Thursday, 10 March 2011

Smart Sponsorship :)

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to sourcing corporate sponsorship has been the mere fact that I am an individual. (Received that feedback from a potential (not anymore) sponsor just today for the umpteenth time)

Had this been a 'group effort', my life would've been made a whole lot easier.

But, alas, I AM an individual.

When it comes to funding, I have always maintained that as long as I can source enough funding just to start with, I will be okay.
That being said, there are a few, rather important, aspects to this expedition that will require actual funding.

*Communications (Airtime)

Accommodation - I have a super cool tent thank you very much to my friend Hanret Snyman.

So to make this affordable to any interested parties - sponsorship will run on a monthly basis.

I aim on completing this expedition in 2 years (which would earn me the grand title of, not only first woman to circumnavigate Africa on a bicycle solo, but also in the fastest time)
Though, I am basing the sponsorship outlay on a 30 month period. (2 and a half years - you never know)
(Regardless of whether the world will end in 12/2012 or not) ;)

This is how it will work:

Company ------> Sponsors ZAR5000 (+/- USD700) -----> I market your company for that month

So for example:
* Your company sponsors me for the month of May 2011. For that entire month I will then market your company through mentions on my blogsite, videos, social media (Facebook, Twitter etc)

For one month/ ZAR5000/ USD700 - you get to help me, and in return I tell the whole world about your company and you will forever remain part of a 'world first' expedition. (I.O.W - being the first woman in history to cycle around the entire African continent)
And for that month I get to eat, cross borders, and keep in contact with the outside world. (Thereby not lose my mind!!!) :D

You will remain listed as a sponsor on my site - for as long as that site exists.

Funding starts from April 2011 through September 2013
Should you/your company wish to sponsor more than 1 month - by all means.

1) April 2011 -
2) May 2011 -
3) June 2011 -
4) July 2011 -
5) August 2011 -
6) September 2011 -
7) October 2011 -
8) November 2011 -
9) December 2011 -
10) January 2012 -
11) February 2012 -
12) March 2012 -
13) April 2012 -
14) May 2012 -
15) June 2012 -
16) July 2012 -
17) August 2012 -
18) September 2012 -
19) October 2012 -
20) November 2012 -
21) December 2012 - (World ends according to Mayan calender - but we carry on anyway)
22) January 2013 -
23) February 2013 -
24) March 2013 -
25) April 2013 -
26) May 2013 -
27) June 2013 -
28) July 2013 -
29) August 2013 -
30) September 2013 -

For any interested parties: Please contact me on -

Thank you :)

Facebook Group

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