Thursday, 23 June 2011

Getting There

Thank you all for your quick response, emails, messages and suggestions.
I'm very happy to report that my visa for DRC will be ready by Monday. I dragged Hanret with me to the DRC and Congo Embassies in Pretoria today. Partly because she is far more experienced in 'the art of applying for a visa', partly because she just doesn't take no for an answer (which is helpful :)) ) , partly because her French is much better than mine...and the list goes on! :)

This time round was far less painless than dealing with the Angolan Embassy. I am learning though, and fast. Just make sure you have all the documentation you could possibly need...and voila!

I am now just waiting for my letter of invitation from the Congo and will apply for my visa on Monday. Which means my visa will then be ready by Thursday.

What all of this means is: I should be back in Windhoek by next weekend!!! Wooohoooo!!
Really looking forward to getting back on the road!

Thank you, once again, for all your support!!!

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osee said...

Nous sommes heureux de votre inspiration "permettra de souligner les filles je vais rencontrer le long du chemin que leur rêve d'un avenir meilleur pour eux-mêmes et pour l'Afrique commence par l'éducation" nous vous souhaitons la bonne continuité de votre parcours en Afrique et nous engagions à vous soutenir dans toutes vos démarché dans notre communauté soyer la bienvenue au Congo RDC.Nous lassons un appel aux autorités National qu’International de rejoindre cet initiative de facilité l’éducation dans le pays en vois de développement pour tous les couches marginaliser pour un avenir meilleu.

Carla Maritz said...

Well done so far
Thinking of you !
Carla xoxox